To check whether a path exists or not, we can use Excel VBA's GetAttr function. The following function returns True if a specified path exists, and return False otherwise:
Function isPathExist(ByVal pathname As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
isPathExist = GetAttr(pathname) And vbDirectory = vbDirectory
End Function
There are several ways to check whether a file exists. By using Microsoft Excel VBA statements and functions, or by using FileSystemObject (Microsoft Scripting Library). The following function returns True if a particular file exist, and return False if file does'nt exist. This function uses Dir function to check whether a file exists or not.
Function isFileExist(ByVal fname As String) As Boolean
isFileExist = False
If Dir(fname) <> "" Then isFileExist = True
End Function
Here's example how to use the function above:
Sub FunctionTest()
If isFileExist("D:\SomeFile.txt") = False Then
MsgBox "File not exists."
MsgBox "File already exist."
End If
End Sub
The next function do exactly as previous function, but this function uses FileSystemObject to check whether a file exist:
Function isFileExist2(ByVal fname As String) As Boolean Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") isFileExist2 = fs.FileExists(fname)End Function
In Excel VBA macro we can control the alignment of cell, both horizontally and vertically. To change alignment, we can use the following properties of the Range object:
HorizontalAlignment. Set to xlLeft, xlCenter, xlRight, xlDistributed, or xlJustify.
VerticalAlignment. Set to xlTop, xlCenter, xlBottom, xlDistributed, or xlJustify.
Following example sets horizontal alignment to justify:
When we working in Excel, if we want to changes font properties we may use Font tab in the Format Cells dialog box. In Excel VBA, we control the font's appearance by the Font object. The Font object have several properties that correspond to various aspects of the font's appearance. Here are several list of font's properties:
The name of the font.
True if the font is bold. Read/write Variant.
True if the font style is italic. Read/write Boolean.
Returns or sets the type of underline applied to the font.
Can be set to xlUnderlineStyleNone, xlUnderlineStyleSingle,
xlUnderlineStyleDouble, xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting,
xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting. Read/write Variant.
Returns or sets the size of the font. Read/write Variant.
True if the font is formatted as subscript. False by default. Read/write Variant.
True if the font is formatted as superscript; False by default. Read/write Variant.
True if the font is struck through with a horizontal line. Read/write Boolean.
This example sets font name of range A1:B4 to Tahoma in ActiveSheet in ActiveWorkbook:
The Color property uses an RGB value, which identifies a color in terms of its red, green,
and blue components. To set this property, use the RGB function:
RGB(r, g, b)
The next example sets font color of range B4 to Blue in ActiveSheet in ActiveWorkbook:
Sometimes, in Microsoft Excel we need to change width of columns or height of rows in a worksheet to accomodate data they contain. In Excel Visual Basic for Application (VBA macro), to change columns width we can use ColumnWidth property. Following excel macro code sets width of column C in "Sheet1" worksheet to 24:
Sheets("Sheet1").Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 24
To change columns width to fit data in columns, we can use AutoFit method. The following example uses AutoFit method to change the size of C:F in the "Sheet1" worksheet:
RowHeight property is used to change rows height of a range. For example:
Number formatting controls how numbers on cells are displayed, it has no effect on cells that contain text. In Microsoft Excel, if we want to apply number formatting we can use Format Cells dialog box. To format numbers in VBA macro we can use the NumberFormat property. Following are some number formatting codes to format numbers.
Number Formatting Codes
Code example
Format example
Significant digit
10.78 displays as 10.9
Nonsignificant 0
5.4 displays as 5.40
Decimal point
14.55 displays as 14.55
Currency symbol
56.78 displays as $56.78
Percent symbol
0.075 displays as 7.5%
Thousands separator
123000 displays as 123,000
Here is the example VBA code to display numbers with no commas or special characters, and no decimal places:
Sub NumFormat()
Range("A1").NumberFormat = "0"
End Sub
We can display positive and negative numbers differently. Following number format code will display negative numbers in red color.
To specify a display color, include the color name enclosed in square brackets at the start the format code. The available color names are:
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